PC Impress LogoYEAR: 2014 -2017

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS: ADICE (FR), Fundacja VCC (PL), STEP Stage within European Programmes (ES), Centro Studi ed iniziative Europeo (IT), Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work (NL).

MOTIVATION: PC IMPRESS is a project about International mobility. International mobility is now considered all over Europe as a new non-formal education opportunity for people to gain new personal and professional skills, new experiences for people. It is seen as a very good and important non-formal education experience for people (overall for people with fewer opportunity) to promote their social and professional carriers. Various programs of international mobility are now existing (thanks to institutional supports at local, national and European level) which is a proof of the importance of these opportunities in our global world society. But still there is a real lack of tools and methods to help people to capitalize and to promote such international experience after their return.

PURPOSE:  Increase concrete values like (soft) skills, open mind, self-confidence and more by mobility experience of people to increase their chances on the existing labour market.


  • Practices, tools exchanges: First, all the European partners share their existing tools, methods to capitalize and promote the international mobility project of beneficiaries in each European country involved in the consortium;
  • Realization of several concrete tools that can be used by the beneficiaries (participants of international mobility projects) and non formal education workers;
  • List of existing tools and methods in the field of Capitalization and promotion of International Mobility project in Europe (in the 5 involved countries);
  • Skills portfolio for the participant to capitalize all the competencies and knowledge learnt and developed during the international mobility project and to analysis the evolution between before and after the international mobility project;
  • Innovative IT capitalization tool of the needs and attempts of labour market (to match them with the attempts of beneficiaries coming back from international mobility project);
  • Online platform to share capitalisation and promotion tools and methods between non-formal education workers (and other local, national and European organizations/institutions linked to social inclusion, employment and international mobility);
  • Framework for capitalization and promotion interviews (for the non-formal education workers after the return of a beneficiary from an international Mobility project);
  • Practical guide on capitalization and promotion to be used by the non-formal education worker after international mobility project of his (her) beneficiary.

IO1 - List of existing tools

IO2 - Skills portfolio

IO3 - Key competences

IO4 - Guide for evaluation and capitalization

IO5 - Online Platform (Under construction)

IO6 - The practical guide to use the capitalization tools

Posted in KEY ACTION 2.